your contact details
Your Quicklink merges your phone numbers, location, website, social media and much more... in one place.
Focus your time on your Business and not how the customers contact you.
Let Quicklink work for you.
your contact details
Update your contact data in real time. Everything is arranged for you clearly.
You choose what You present to Your customers.
Your clients can contact you very easily by pressing one button.
Talk directly with your customers.
Build up confidence via chats, actual communication in real time.
Visitors become your next customers.
simply and easily
Send news to your customers - Immediately.
Quicklink gives you the next level of customer service.
Send one message to all your customers with only one click!
the statistics
See how many people have saved your Quicklink.
See how much of your news has arrived.
Plan your next promotion with greater confidence!
your product data
People write down product data! To remember or compare them.
Give them the product details with Quicklink.
Now you know, how many persons are interested in which product.
Maybe send them an offer.
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